The Common Signs You Need to Remove Wisdom Teeth

wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth used to serve a purpose in early humans, providing extra surface area for chewing. Cooking food and other changes to our diets eliminated the need, so not everybody grows wisdom teeth.

Most modern adults grow 28 teeth. But, some grow an additional 1-4, and about 24 percent of those who do suffer from impaction.

With that said, impact to such teeth can lead to big problems like pain, difficulty eating, and infection. Read on to learn about common signs that you need to remove wisdom teeth.

Continuous Pain

Teeth hurt when they break through the gum line, as they pierce tissue and create swelling. If you experience pain as the wisdom teeth normally emerge, then you may not need oral surgery.

But, the pain that continues, either from the teeth not coming all the way through the gum, or from other issues, deserves attention. You should not experience discomfort for an extended period of time.

It also should only feel achy during that time and then subside after they come through. Visit to schedule your appointment if you experience severe pain or discomfort that lasts for a long time.


If your wisdom teeth come through and your teeth appear normal, then you need not worry. But, sometimes the mouth does not grow big enough to fit it, especially if all of them grow in.

When such teeth/s grow into a small mouth, they may push the other teeth together and cause them to overlap. This can cause discomfort and difficulty with eating.

It may also grow sideways. This also pushes them into other teeth and can cause damage to otherwise healthy chompers.

Difficulty Eating

The number one reason you need teeth is to chew. If these extra teeth grow in and compromise that function, then they need to go.

Chewing difficulties can arise from pain due to food getting stuck between the teeth and gums. It may also happen from subtle overcrowding that is not visible but still produces tension.

Sinus Issues

It sits right below your sinus cavity. Sometimes they block the sinuses and create pressure.

This can feel like pressure in the face and even create fluid buildup. Sometimes the only way to relieve this sinus pressure is to remove those teeth. 


A tooth infection, known as an abscess, requires immediate attention. When left untreated, it can spread to the bone, tissues in the face, or into the bloodstream.

Impacted wisdom teeth can sometimes become an infection. When this happens, you will experience pain, swelling, bad breath, and fever. Its surgery will make you feel better once you recover.

Know When to Remove Wisdom Teeth 

Know when to remove it and when not to. Do not opt for oral surgery if the teeth simply grow in normal or if you see them beneath the gums on an x-ray causing no harm. But, if they cause pain, difficulty eating, crowding, sinus issues, or infection, call your oral surgeon.

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