
Marketing and Management

Tips, tricks, and guidelines related to marketing and management will be discussed.

Instagram recently generated $24 billion in revenue, and you can expect this trend to continue. If you want to taste a piece of this pie, it only happens when you develop some working strategies. 
Digital marketing is not a new concept. I do realize it might be new to you but certain digital marketing channels have been around for years. Gone are the glory days of banner ads and email blasting....
Customer service is the deed of handling your customers' needs through delivering and providing high quality, helpful, professional assistance and service during, after, and before your customer demands are met. “It takes a month...
Video conferences helped people in conducting important business meetings and regular classes of school and college virtually. But some people find it challenging to adapt it at once; especially for Generation X, it was hard to adjust...
The importance of first impressions cannot be emphasized enough, and when it comes to an outreach channel generating 44 bucks for every dollar invested, stakes get even higher. The first page your audience...
No business is more misinterpreted and criticized than network marketing which is also known as direct selling business. At its best, it is termed as an unimportant business or something strange that one does to find his/her...